
Morning coffee , brings a little push to wake you up. A kind gesture to start the day and set you up for a brighter and joyful day. But in my many choices when I hear coffeewine. It makes me happier. A combination of my favorites coffee and Wine. In essence, this is is written to help anybody who wants to get the same exuberant feeling that my favorites elicit. In due time anybody else seeking such opportunity has to examine this presentation. And you also need to pay attention, because I found a way to indulge my sweet tooth too! This will do the same for you and anyone else wanting to look and feel great. To enjoy Finer Foods as well as, Fine Wines and the lifestyle that follows.

Having your Morning Coffee help you to lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month! What Else Makes Morning Coffee Better? Our non-dairy coffee companion we call Plos also helps control cravings, boosts the metabolism, and supports body composition goals.

In short, a morning coffee that removes pounds of unwanted fat and helps you lose pounds and inches. Such a morning coffee helps you lose the unwanted weight effortlessly. Just drink your coffee with our vanilla flavored non dairy additive and see the fat melt.


Altogether, I conduct my lifestyle around food. I LOVE FOOD. In fact I am particular about fine foods and great tastes. I love wines and chocolates in addition to great food.

Here is what I Want. We’ll call it My “SWEET TOOTH”.

I begin my day optimistic and excited to meet some goals for my life. Financially, Spiritually, Physically and Mentally. In addition I desire to impact others positively in the same direction of my focus. I derive my energy by indulging my “sweet tooth’. Eating Fine Foods. I love wine, not any ordinary wine but fine wine. That is how I wind down and gather my thoughts, complete assignments and plan for the next day.

I have enjoyed the years of being able to wind down the day, to reflect on what was accomplished and to spend time with my Spouse as we share the moment. To enjoy amazing cooking and eat fine foods. fine wine is always the climax of every event.

Before I found My Solution

As I kept indulging my “sweet tooth” eating all the cakes and ice creams and anything sweet I packed up more fat. My weight slowly increased and I began to experience the all the side effect of excess weight. As I continue to enjoy great food and fine wines, watched my weight slowly and steadily increasing. I became more conscious of my health declining. So I replaced meals with nutritious and low calorie shakes. However, still thought I could still enjoy Fine Foods and Fine Wine, celebrating the moments. In any case, my body and I was at odds, and I remained in a constant battle between the weight gain, weight Loss, tug of war. I began a roller skater battle. Trying to remove my excess fat. A frustrating journey. Then I was introduced to our special coffee with the vanilar flavored non diary creamer-

plôs™ THERMO

Since that time, every morning I get the morning coffee going. Pouring everything I could each day made things better, brighter and fuller for everyone I can touch and influence.

Hitherto, I have used insane methods to try to lose f30-40lbs. These methods changed my lifestyle and prevented me from enjoying my cake. So, my battle continued and yet without success.

UNTIL… I found the solution. Coffee with the non diary creamer. Which gave me the Ability to “Eat my Cake!” That solution was easy. I did not have to change anything else!

After I found My Solution


When “coffee and plos” came into my life and the life of all the friends I can share it with:

Coffee with plôs™ THERMO– Is awesome. It helps you FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT and INCHES too – Get it one. You will be very happy . I am now able to lose weight and keep it off. Without the stresses of crash diets, severe dieting or restrictions. I simply drink 2 cups of great tasting, energy releasing and proven weight loss Coffee throughout the Morning. Eat sensibly, and enjoy a great Dinner throughout the week, AND I get to look and feel great Just by this addition to Coffee!

Be part of this awesome program and you will never regret. You will enjoy health benefits, and be able to share and partake of great benefits associated with the program below.

Rewards of Financial and Time Freedom!

This unique and awesome program provides solutions, It even creates income. Once income is generated, there are changes in lifestyle and many issues are easily taken are of. This is the fate of anyone we share this awesome program with.

Join the AMAZING products for your life’s enhancement, enjoyment and betterment. to “Get My Cake” and “Eat it Too”. And I call it coffee plus plôs™ THERMO


Get This Amazing Coffee Companion HERE:

Get set up for your Morning Energy and Thrust for Greatness. It will curb your appetite, and reduce cravings. Start adding plos to your coffee and enjoy AMAZING Coffee!. Just have 1 to 2 cups throughout the morning to early afternoon.

Eat sensibly, and then you can enjoy a Fine “Event” with Great Food, and Great Fine Wine” Enjoy the time and company you have around you.



You are going to love this. You will get hand picked by Sommeliers’ – or Wine Experts. Order up 2, 4, or 6 Bottles each month. A great deal. So you can share our Wine of the Month Club with everyone now. THIS IS SOMETHING YOU DESERVE! You will want the lifestyle that Fine Wine provides Wines, of your choice. Red or White from all around the Globe every month, shipped directly to your Door.

See a Full Presentation Here
