E-Business and e-marketing are increasing as trading online gains prominence. However, trading has been an age-old human activity. Which constitutes the exchange of products and services between groups and individuals. Yet, recent advancements have brought positive changes in how trading is done because trading has continued to evolve with development. So that the way the exchanges occurred has also changed greatly


While Business or the act of conducting trade has been around since the beginning of Man, e -business evolved with the creation of the internet. E-Business became an easy way to do business without boundaries and people no longer need to be at the same place to exchange goods and services. Now, people easily Collaborate with business partners and competitors using the web and internet. Thus it has helped to make the World a smaller place. This has enhanced Worldwide Shipping and translation services. By this method middle men are eliminated. a good benefit to reduce cost and speed up transactions. This has boosted and bridged the communication and delivery issues of old.

In spite of the above benefits of this method of exchanging goods and services, it also has a down size. Some of the difficulties include:- no personal touch. And the anonymity of the internet makes the identity of the partner difficult to trace. Data storage and transmission risks are also difficulties that can affect trading. All this also creates a need for specialization. Specialization of almost everything involved with e- business including the handling of the computer and using the internet. But, before embarking on trading, business partners and traders identify all downsize issues associated with trading and take steps to minimize or eliminate them.

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